We are home to the only year-round weekday minyan north of the Charles River. During the school year, we have Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv each day. During the summer and other school breaks, we have Shacharit nearly every day, and Mincha/Maariv when there is sufficient interest (see below).
SCHEDULE: (These times may change due to various factors. Please confirm here or on the minyan sign-up sheet)
Sun 8:30AM
Mon/Thurs 7:15AM
Tues/Wed/Fri 7:25AM
Rosh Chodesh/Chol HaMoed/Fast Days 7:05AM
Harvard University holidays: 8:30AM
Mincha/Maariv (Sun-Thurs):
About 15 minutes before sunset
SIGN-UP SHEET: Men planning to attend the minyan are asked to sign up on the minyan sign-up sheet. The status of each tefillah is posted there beforehand (by 11pm the previous evening for Shacharit, and by 30 minutes before for Mincha/Maariv).
BUILDING ACCESS: Please note that, for security reasons, the doors of Hillel are locked at all times. If you are unable to access the building, please call or text 617-285-8822.
KADDISH: We are always happy to provide a place both for visitors and locals to say Kaddish for their loved ones, regardless of background. Women are encouraged to say Kaddish with our minyan as well. If you need a minyan to say Kaddish during a school break, or at a different time of day than our minyan normally meets, please reach out to Evan.