The Minyan's leadership is composed of undergraduates, graduate students, and members of the community. Please use the contact form to reach members of our leadership team.
Governing Board:
Co-Chairs: Leah Baron and Julia Book
Co-Vice Chairs of Education: Yona Sperling-Milner and Mike Frank
Co-Vice Chairs of Social Programming: Adina Bechhofer and Asher Naghi
Vice Chair of Ritual Administration: Theo Motzkin
Undergraduate Representative: Abby Curtis
Co-Graduate Student Representatives: Akiva Gordon and Benjie Goykadosh
Co-Community Member Representatives: Benji Cooper and Shlomo Miller
Co-Historians: Jerry Zuriff and Evan Crane
Committee Chairs:
Chessed Chair: Dalia Leibowitz
Hospitality Chair: Talia Weisberg
Kiddush Chair: Adina Bechhofer
Seudah Shlishit Chair: Catherine Alam-Nist
Tzedakah Chair: Shlomo Miller