There are several mikvaot near Cambridge accessible by car or public transportation. (The list below is provided for informational purposes only and does not attest to the kashrut of any mikvah.)
Women's Mikvaot (by appointment only)
Daughters of Israel; 103 Washington Street, Brighton; 617-782-9433
Mikvah Mayanei Tovah; 10 Dexter Street, Malden; 781-223-1470
Mikvah Miriam at Beth Menachem Chabad; 349 Dedham Street, Newton; 617-454-4770
Mayyim Hayyim; 1838 Washington Street, Newton; 617-244-1836
Beth-El Community Mikvah; 561 Ward Street, Newton
Men's Mikvaot
Congregation Bais Pinchas; 1710 Beacon Street, Brookline; 617-734-5100 (open during davening times)​​
Beth Menachem Chabad; 349 Dedham Street, Newton; 617-454-4770 (daytime only)
Mayyim Hayyim; 1838 Washington Street, Newton; 617-244-1836 (daytime, by appointment only)
Daughters of Israel has men's hours on erev Rosh Hashanah and erev Yom Kippur, 7am-1pm
Keilim Mikvaot
Young Israel of Brookline; 62 Green Street, Brookline; 617-734-0276 (open during davening times and during office hours M-F; call ahead to confirm)
Daughters of Israel; 103b Washington Street, Brighton (hours on website)
Beth-El Community Mikvah (hours on website)