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Shabbat Announcements July 20-21

Shabbat Chazon, Parshat Devarim

Minyan Times


Mincha: 7:30PM

Candle Lighting: 7:57PM


Shacharit: 9:30AM

Sof Zman Kriat Shma: 9:08AM

Special Times for Erev Tisha B'Av

Shabbat Mincha: 5:00PM

Fast Begins: 8:15PM*

Shabbat Ends: 9:01PM**

Maariv/Eicha/Kinot: 9:30PM

*For eating and drinking. Shabbat clothes and shoes may be worn until Shabbat ends.

**Remember to say "baruch hamavdil bein kodesh l'chol" before doing prohibited work after Shabbat

Sunday (Tisha B'Av Observed)

Shacharit/Kinot: 9:00AM

Sof Zman Kriat Shema: 9:09AM

Chatzot: 12:51PM

Mincha/Maariv: 7:40PM

Fast Ends/Havdalah: 8:55PM***

***Don't forget to make havdalah (just "borei pri hagafen" and "ha'mavdil") before eating after the fast.



Monday/Thursday: 7:15AM

Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday: 7:25AM


Monday - Thursday: 7:55PM

Please remember to sign up at!! Without undergrads, we count on YOU to make our minyan happen 

Looking for our community's cholim list? Click here! The gabbi will quietly include the listed names in the mishaberach for cholim on Shabbat day.

Shabbos Fund

If you would like to make a donation to the Shabbos Fund, you can do so here


Kiddush this week is sponsored by Dani Baronofsky in gratitude to the Harvard Hillel and greater Camberville Jewish communities for nine amazing years in Cambridge. The Minyan wishes Dani best of luck in his future endeavors.

There is no seudah shlishit at Hillel this Shabbat. If you are in need of a pre-fast meal, please reach out to Noam Tanner (

Scholar In Residence

On Shabbat August 4th, our minyan will welcome Amalia Haas (Yeshivat Maharat '19) as scholar in residence, which will include a lunch and learn on the topic, "Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim as it Applies to the Bees." Amalia will also be presenting the d'var during morning services. A delicious lunch catered by Ora's Catering will be served.  You can register for lunch at this link: This event is part of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance summer tour and is co-sponsored by Yeshivat Maharat. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Zoë (

A Message from the Eruv Board

Please support the eruv!  

As you know, our eruv plays a critical role in allowing us to have such a vibrant Shabbat-observant community in Cambridge and Somerville.  You may not know, however, that keeping the eruv operational requires considerable expense for maintenance and the dedication of volunteers who check the eruv to confirm that it is “up” every week.  The eruv operates on a shoestring budget to cover its costs, and relies on the support from our entire community.  Please consider volunteering your time to help with this important community function.

Checking involves going out once every three to four weeks for 1 - 1.5 hours.  Checking may be done on Wednesdays or Thursdays.  And please note that not all of the checkers need to have a car or drive.  People are usually partnered with a driver or can ride their bikes.  In fact, at this point in time, there seem to be more drivers than checkers overall.  However, things are always changing.

For more information and to volunteer to check please go to

If you have announcements that you would like included in the weekly announcements email, please send them to Evan by 5pm on Thursday!

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