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PASSOVER 2023/5783

The guide below has been put together as a resource for the Orthodox Minyan at Harvard Hillel and the broader Cambridge/Somerville Jewish community. 


Please don't hesitate to reach out to Rav Noah with any questions or concerns.



Dates and Times

Davening times are listed in italics and are subject to change.


Tuesday, April 4 (13 Nisan)

Bedikat Chametz*, followed by the first nullification (kol chamira), not before 7:56pm

Wednesday, April 5 (14 Nisan, Erev Pesach) 

Shacharit followed by siyum for first borns: 7:15am​

Biur Chametz (burning of chametz) at Hillel: 8:00-9:00am in the courtyard (please arrive by 8:45am)

Latest time to eat chametz: 10:09am (Magen Avraham)/10:38am (Gra)​

Latest time to burn chametz and recite the second nullification (kol chamira): 11:28am (Magen Avraham)/11:43am (Gra)


Candle Lighting: 6:56pm

Mincha/Maariv: 7:00pm

Earliest time to begin the seder: 7:57pm

Eat afikoman before 12:46am

Thursday, April 6 (15 Nisan, Pesach I)

Shacharit/Musaf: 9:30am

Mincha/Maariv: 7:00pm

Candle lighting, and preparations for the seder can begin at 7:58pm

Eat afikoman before 12:47am

Friday, April 7 (16 Nisan, Pesach II)

Shacharit/Musaf: 9:30am

Candle lighting for Shabbat: 6:58pm

Mincha/Maariv: 7:00pm

Saturday, April 8 (17 Nisan, Chol HaMoed I)

Shacharit/Musaf: 9:00am

Mincha/Maariv: 6:45pm

Shabbat ends/Havdalah: 8:00pm

Sunday, April 9 (18 Nisan, Chol HaMoed II)

Shacharit: 8:30am

Monday, April 10 (19 Nisan, Chol HaMoed III)

Shacharit: 7:05am

Tuesday, April 11 (20 Nisan, Erev Yom Tov)

Shacharit: 7:05am

Candle lighting: 7:03pm

Mincha/Maariv: 7:05pm

Wednesday, April 12 (21 Nisan, Pesach VII)

Shacharit/Musaf: 9:00am

Mincha/Maariv: 7:05pm

Candle lighting, and preparations for the second day can begin: 8:05pm

Thursday, April 13 (22 Nisan, Pesach VIII)

Shacharit/Musaf: 9:00am

Mincha/Maariv: 7:05pm

Pesach ends/Havdalah, 8:06pm

*See the link for guidelines if you will be leaving home before nightfall on 4/4.


Sale of Chametz

It is recommended that everybody engage in a halachic sale of chametz (even those who strive not to keep any chametz in their homes). Rav Noah is planning to sell chametz on behalf of members of our community. Please see the email to our mailing list or contact us for more information. Those who are unable to sell their chametz in person (which is preferable) can do so using the KVH's online form.


Pesach Guides

  • KVH Pesach Guide (they also recommend the OU and CRC passover guides).

  • The KVH's guide to KFP chalav stam dairy products can be found here (note that many of these products are difficult to find; an extensive selection of KFP dairy products is available at the Butcherie).

  • The KVH's guide to the purchase of chametz after Pesach can be found here.

  • has a wealth of information available, including links to guides from many major kashrut organizations.


Kosher for Passover Groceries

  • The Butcherie (428 Harvard Street, Brookline) has the largest selection of Pesach products in the area, including prepared foods. Delivery is available throughout Cambridge and Somerville ($100 minimum). Make sure to click "Passover Store" at the top of the page.​

  • Costco's Waltham and Dedham locations typically have matza (shmurah and regular) and KFP cheeses, snacks, and desserts, though some items may sell out early.

  • The following supermarkets typically have large Pesach selections:

    • Stop and Shop Allston​

    • Star Market Allston

    • Stop and Shop Brookline

    • Star Market Chestnut Hill

    • Wegman's Medford​


Tevilat Keilim and Communal Kashering

Information regarding tevilat keilim can be found on page 14 of the KVH Pesach Guide linked above.

The KVH will be offering communal kashering at Young Israel of Brookline on Sunday, April 2, 10am-12pm.


Oral Hygiene Products

The following products have been confirmed as chametz-free by the Star K:

  • Toothpaste: Aim, Colgate, Close Up, Pepsodent, Ultrabrite

  • Mouthwash: Scope (all), Colgate (all), Listerine (Cool Mint, Freshburst, Total Care Zero, UltraClean, Zero Alcohol)







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